Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Now's Your Chance to Change Your Life

So many times we go through life, something happens and we tell ourselves "something needs to change" or "this time is going to be different."And how many times do we actually follow through on that promise? I'll tell you this, there have been many times over the course of my own life where I've said that I need to make a change or I need to work on me. And guess what? I would stay with it for a short while and as the saying goes "old habits die hard" and I would slip back into my old ways not learning anything or improving.

This time something's changed though...I'm finally following through on the commitment that I made to myself and to someone who is extremely important to me. Maybe it just took me hitting rock bottom to realize that I really did need to take a look at myself and how I was impacting my own life and not how others were 'seemingly'impacting it.

The answer to the help I needed, surprised me...but in reality, I knew the answer all along, I just didn't want to see or hear it. Turning back to God and leaning on Him, relying on his strength and wisdom and knowing that He has a plan for me and my best interests in mind was one of, if not, the smartest decisions I've ever made. I've probably had more conversations with God in the last 4 weeks then I have in the last 4 years...rather sad realizing that. But now, I make it a point to talk to Him every day. He may not always answer, but I know He's listening. I also know that I need to listen to Him more too....still working on that aspect. But I am forever a work in progress. :-)

What am I learning? A lot actually. I'm learning patience (and if you know me, you know that's not my strong suit). Now that's not to say that suddenly I'm the most patient person you'll ever meet, but I am getting better. And I'm consciously realizing when I'm being impatient and making notes on how to do better in the same situation next time. I'm learning to be kinder and gentler. I was recently told that I can be condescending and, that's tough to hear because I don't want to be a mean person. And actually hearing that that's how I'm perceived by others (including those who I love and love me) is like a slap in the face bringing me back to reality. One would think that I would take hearing that poorly and maybe at one time in my (not too long ago) I would have reacted differently. Instead, I said thank you and this is something that I will make an active effort to improve and apply in my life and relationships.

While there will continue to be bumps in the road and curve balls thrown my way, I know that I'm in a better place right now to handle whatever comes my way. This is an amazing Voyage of Discovery that I'm on and I hope that you'll continue to come along for the ride.

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