Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 4: Sweat Did Not Disappoint

Sooo...what did Chalene have in store for the Day 4 workout? A little hint...the title of today's workout was Sweat. And that's exactly what I did! Wow, talk about your heart pounding, muscles shaking, strength building, work for it workouts! Within the first few minutes, the sweat started and just kept pouring on throughout the remainder of the workout. Every time we sat back into Child's Pose, I was saying 'Thank You'. I had no idea a low impact workout would kick my butt as much as it does! I just love how I don't have to beat my body up and still get an amazing workout.

So let's talk water, shall we? We all know we're supposed to drink a minimum of 6-8 glasses of water a day or half of your body weight in ounces. So going with the body weight I should be drinking 88 oz of water (176/2 = 88). And today I realized that I am not drinking nearly enough water...I know I wasn't hitting my mark, but didn't realize how negligent I've been. What was my great revelation? On my way home from work today I noticed that my fingers were pruney. Normally not something to worry about after swimming or taking a shower...however in the car, not so much. Fingers, hands, feet or toes being pruney when you haven't been in the water means you are dehydrated. Wake up call and I'm definitely making a more conscious effort in my water consumption.

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